Energy Research

Information website on project funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in the 8th energy research programme

Mastering the dark doldrums: research against power outages

Periods when wind and sun do not provide enough energy – so-called dark doldrums – continue to be a challenge, also for research.


13.02.2025 News

Geothermal plant provides climate-friendly heat in Schwerin

Since last October, a geothermal plant has been supplying environmentally friendly heat to the city of Schwerin.


18.12.2024 News

More renewable energy with sandwich elements

New heating systems could be integrated into the exterior walls of buildings. It would also be possible to generate, insulate and store energy.


19.11.2024 News

Portal world for applied energy research merged

The previous range of topic-specific portals for applied energy research is now combined on


29.10.2024 Projekte

More heat pumps for apartment buildings

So far, only a small number of existing apartment buildings are heated with heat pumps. Various research projects show how this can change.


25.09.2024 News

BMWK publishes call for funding „Vom Plan zur Wende“

The BMWK promotes innovations and new solutions that accelerate the systemic implementation of municipal heating plans.




Funding Announcement

Funding priorities

Research institutions, companies and others can apply for funding from the BMWK based on the funding announcement for the 8th Energy Research Programme.


Funding Format

Living Labs of the Energy Transition

Living labs of the energy transition are a funding format for innovation projects on an industrial scale and in a real environment.


Funding Format

Micro Projects

Micro projects are an element of the funding announcement as part of the 8th Energy Research Programme offering low-threshold access to research funding.


The 8th Energy Research Programme for Applied Energy Research

A climate-neutral and secure energy supply needs bold solutions in order to succeed. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is funding applied energy research in Germany with the "8th Energy Research Programme for Applied Energy Research - Research Missions for the Energy Transition" so that these innovations can emerge and quickly become part of everyday life in Germany.


"We are driving the transition to a climate-neutral, efficient and resilient energy system with innovations."

More about the mission

Energy System 2045

"We are paving the way for a sustainable hydrogen economy with new technology solutions and concepts along the entire value chain."

More about the mission

Hydrogen 2030

"We accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral and efficient heating and cooling supply."

More about the mission

Heat Transition 2045

"We are strengthening the role of energy research as a driver of progress in the economy and society - through transparency, participation and practical orientation."

More about the mission


"With innovations, we are creating a secure, climate-neutral and affordable electricity supply from renewable energies."

More about the mission

Electricity Transition 2045

With the 8th energy research programme, the BMWK pursues a mission oriented innovation policy for the energy transition.

To the mission overview

Mission Overview